
You are most welcome! Would love to read more of your work!!

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Oh Dear Sally, I have not seen you for how many years? But if reading this is seeing life through your eyes, I would very much like that life. Most people would scream if a mouse came across their head, or shudder at the site of a snake at their door. For me, I welcome this. I once came home to a black rat snake wrapped around my front door knob. With the help of a friend, we coaxed it into a bag we had set into a hamper and returned it to the front of the lake near our house, instead of killing it as some were begging us to do. I am not fond of some things like spiders and scorpions, but I do respect their purpose in life, and try my best to leave them be, but to revere and see nature the way you do is a rare thing these days...more people should try it 😊😊😊

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A rat snake wrapped around your front door knob! That's a good story. Thank you so much for your kindness, always.

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This is a most wonderful visualization. Thank you for sharing!

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